Saturday, March 3, 2012

Happy Birth Day!

Yesterday was quite a happy day for us.  Our son, Andrew Robert, was born at 3:03 p.m.  He weighed 7lbs 3 oz and was 20 3/4 inches long.  It was the best birth experience I had hoped it would be.  It went according to plan and was quick.  The nursing staff has been awesome!

Now, the reason we chose his name is because the name Andrew (like James) belongs to an apostle of Christ.  Our baby Andrew was born on the same day Chris' grandfather passed away 10 years ago.  We wrestled with 2 middle names in particular to honor the family and chose Robert after Chris' Uncle Robert, who has the kind of heart I want my children to have.  Robert is also my husband's middle name so double reasons!

 It was fun to have see the kids reaction to the new baby.  Sarah was so excited.  When she saw his hair, she said, "That looks like Daddy's hair!"  That made Chris happy.  :)

 James is already such a great big brother.  He is a natural!  Always so helpful and kind.

Sarah we are watching closely... mostly because she is TOO good a helper.  She wants to give him pacifiers and brought him a carton of milk to drink... we are diligently teaching her the rules for new baby.  :)  She is so loving with him and won big points by telling me how "tiny" my tummy is now. 

One memory that came back today was when Sarah was born and James came to the hospital, he saw his baby sister naked under the baby warmer.  When he saw her private part, he pointed and said, "that is freaking me out!"   When Sarah was here today and saw me change Andrew's diaper, she pointed at his privates and laughed.  She said "that is really funny!"  Made me giggle.

All in all, I feel nothing but gratitude for what a pleasant experience I have had through this birth, for the good health of the new baby and myself.  I feel so grateful for all the love and support our families have given us.  I am enjoying every second of precious time during this newborn stage.  Been a good couple days!


  1. CONGRATULATIONS Boyer Family!! He is so cute and you look amazing Jill! So glad it all went so well!

  2. My heavens! He is such a cutie.

    I am nervous about the arrival of our little one mixed with Kiera. Sometimes, she is so helpful and wants to give her cousins their binkies but of course at 16mo she isn't grasping the concept that sometimes the baby doesn't want the binky shoved in their eye! LOL.

    Too funny about the comment Sarah made. I totally remember when James made that comment about Sarah. Such a funny pair of kids you've got.

  3. my goodness he looks like a hampton to me! So cute. and You look Gorgeous! How do you do it :) Love ya
