Monday, September 7, 2009

3 day weekends rule!

Thank goodness for 3 day weekends! This weekend has been fun and the fun ain't over yet! To reinforce good behavior at school, James has a behavior jar. When he is good, we add marshmallows to the jar. When he fills up the jar, he gets to pick a reward. He likes this and the first reward he asked for was to have a camp out at Papa Hampton's house. So that's what we did this weekend. We had a barbecue and were so happy to have my Uncle Ron and his kids, Aaron and Holly; as well as my Aunt Debbie, Uncle Randy, Todd (just recently home from his mission), Scott & Rhonda with their children Jackson and Grace. It was great! Chris barbecued delicious burgers. We set up our little village of tents and the kids rotated back and forth between watching movies on the outside projector (just like the old drive-in movies) and roasting marshmallows by the fire. All in all, fun times. Today we had the kids over for swimming and fun. It was nice to have everyone together (even my brother Brent came up yesterday from Arizona to surprise the kids for a visit. We haven't seen him since Christmas so it is quite a treat. Anyway, here is some to you! This picture is Claire (left) and Sarah (right) playing on the blanket. Sarah absolutely LOVED Claire and to be watched very carefully as not to maul her while trying to give her lots of hugs and kisses. This is Sarah learning to play Peek-a-boo repeatedly sitting and standing in this bucket!