Wednesday, July 14, 2010


So I have been busy. Sarah had to have 3 baths yesterday due to mess making, the last bath was after she got into paint and painted all over her body. Please tell me that other kids have done this and not just mine. James at this age painted his body red... Sarah did white paint. I thought it might be hereditary because of the story Chris' parents told me about him painting his body green when he was a kid. Since the 3rd bath, she has broken a dozen eggs all over the kitchen floor. Agggh! And although they are driving me insane, I just gotta love em....
This is Sarah eating breakfast. She is such a cutie!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, you are right! All these things are coming from Chris. YOU were the PERFECT baby!
    Enjoy these times, and laugh, because that is always better than crying. I love you. MOM
