Sunday, October 10, 2010

My 10/10/10 Birthday

Today is my birthday. It has been a great birthday. The date today is 10/10/10. Awesome, huh? I was born on my Aunt Heidi's 21st birthday and it has always been a special bond for me to have the same birthday as my auntie. My Aunt Debbie, who is the kindest, sweetest, most good-natured person I know has her birthday the day before. So we are all birthday buddies. We decided that for our birthdays we wanted to do things in 10. So yesterday we:

1. We got our 10 toes pedicured. We had my Granny (who has never had a pedicure in her life before this), Aunt Linda, my Mom, Aunt Heidi, Aunt Debbie, cousin Julie, and her daughter Samantha there.
2. We served lunch at my house to 10 adults. Chris won husband of the year for this one. While we had pedicures, he barbequed tri-tips and prepared the most awesome lunch spread for all the ladies.
3. I stamped 10 nails with cool designs.
4. My aunties and I gathered around the piano and sang 10 songs while my Granny played. Always so heart warming to sing pretty songs with the aunties. They sing so nice!

5. Had 10 people sing us "Happy Birthday".

6. We went to a choir concert where we heard 10 Michael Jackson songs performed. AWESOME! On a side note, my favorite part of the concert was watching this little boy lead the choirs in singing "We are the World". It almost made me tear up watching this little guy. He did such a fantastic job.
7. We took at least 10 people out to eat and to have dessert.
This is us birthday gals at 10:10 p.m. :)
8. We each held a new baby for 10 minutes. Cousin Jamie just had a baby boy and he was such a happy baby letting us "ooh" over him and pass him around.
9. We fit 10 family members on a bench.
10. We did 10 jumping jacks to discourage 10 pounds.

It was a great day, full of great belly laughs! It felt nice to laugh like that.

Today I spent my birthday at Chris' parents house.
Chris mom made an excellent dinner.
I got to give my nephew, Sammie, at least 10 kisses and hold him for way longer than 10 minutes.
I got "happy birthday" wishes and singings from all my favorite people and felt super loved and special. Thanks everyone! I love you bunches and bunches!

And P.S. The Giants won today! Hooray! Even the Giants know how to give me a happy birthday. LET'S GO, GIANTS!

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