Sunday, March 15, 2009

Mr. O'Boyer

Since Friday was James last day of school before their 2 week break, his class celebrated St. Patrick's day. In addition to his fun day at school, he got to go to my parents house and see all the new goats my Dad and Brooke bought. Brooke loves her little goats and we tease her that she is only 15 years old and has 7 "kids". This is the goat James got to name. He named it Oreo. My sister, Haleigh, picked the smallest baby goat ever! Then I wanted to play around with the black&white setting on the camera so I took a picture of the buddies. They are the best of buddies. Fun times.


  1. Oh my goodness I would never guss that is Haleigh she looks just like I remember Brooke!

  2. OMG! Jill! You all look just alike! Good Genes huh? LOL
