Friday, February 26, 2010

Lisa and Luis!

Today was a wonderful day! My sister, Lisa, was married! She looked beautiful, happy, and ready to begin her new journey. The temple was great, and the pictures were short. It was raining so hard! There were lots of umbrellas around to try and keep the bride and groom dry during the pictures. It will make the memory of their day extra special. :)Our new brother-in-law, Luis, was hilarious and kept the crowd entertained during the reception with his dance moves and funny facial expressions. My Aunt Heidi made her cake (as she makes all her nieces cakes, I think). It was beautiful and always feels so special to have an "aunt heidi cake." We put a big parachute to hang down from the ceiling. It looked pretty cool. And afterwards, during clean-up, the kids had fun running underneath it. One thing that is great about weddings is getting together with all the family and friends! My Uncle Larry came in from Arizona and it was great to see him! We had FUN, FUN, FUN dancing the night away! Luis got to dance with him Mom, who came from Bolivia to see her son be married. The clean-up was especially fast with all the helping hands. A big THANK YOU to everyone that helped make this a special day for Luis and Lisa. We wish them such love and prosperity during the start of their journey together. We love you!


  1. very nice, congrats to Lisa and Luis.

  2. It was a perfect day! Dad & I are happy to welcome another son to our family.

    Only one problem. The score is tipped. No longer even with girls and boys. I think some of my boys need to get busy and bring us some daughters.
