Sunday, February 21, 2010

Temple Day with Lisa

We went to the temple Friday with Lisa. It was her first time through and it was so wonderful to be with her, her sweetheart, my husband, my parents, and my Aunt Debbie and Granny. We even saw quite a few people we knew there, including my dad's 7th grade teacher. Whoa. I saw Sister Byrd from Stockton, who saw me with Chris and said, "you got married!" and when I told indeed, I had gotten married.... 9 years ago, I think she was felt old. When you don't see people for a while, time stops in your mind and you forget that the kids aren't small anymore.

Anyway, it was a sweet time to be with her and I can't wait for more of my siblings to enter the temple. Nice day!

1 comment:

  1. It was one of the BEST days. I was so happy to be in the temple with two of my girls with their sweethearts. I am so proud of you both for choosing the right way, and the right men!
    I love you, all! MOM
