Sunday, February 7, 2010

A reminiscing story..

When looking through my journal entries, I came upon this one from 8/19/08. when I was pregnant with Sarah and we were in the process of buying our new house. It said,

"8/19/08 - When tucking James in tonight, he wanted to know if his sister (in my belly) could hear him. I told him that yes, the baby has ears and she can hear him when he talks. James talked to my belly and said, "Baby, you are getting a lot of clothes. We can't spend all of our money on you because we are buying a house...."

That made me laugh! I had to share! I had forgotten about that. Thank goodness for journaling and keeping all these precious memories alive!

1 comment:

  1. I love journals. We enjoy going back a reading the ones I write in for the boys. The things they say are so funny and most of the time I have forgotten all about them. So grateful for journals!
